Hybrid Working: How technology can support your move to hybrid working
Hybrid Working: How technology can support your move to hybrid working The move to a hybrid workplace promises a myriad of benefits including increased collaboration, productivity and a better work-life balance. For this reason, it is no surprise that 91% of the global workforce expect to be working in some form of hybrid arrangement over […]
Hybrid Meetings: 7 steps to running an effective hybrid meeting
Hybrid Meetings: 7 steps to running an effective hybrid meeting It is no secret that the future of work is hybrid, and a large component of this change will be running hybrid meetings. As more employees move back into office work, many meetings with have both physical and virtual attendees. Although hybrid working promises a […]
4 ways to increase productivity whilst hybrid working
4 ways to increase productivity whilst hybrid working A recent study found that 27% of employees would prefer to work remotely full time, and 62% would prefer to work in a hybrid arrangement. Many businesses have listened to employee feedback and have spent the last few months planning how a hybrid work model can be […]
Are eSignatures legally valid? Frequently asked eSignature questions
Are eSignatures legally valid? Frequently asked eSignature questions eSignatures have been commonplace for many years now, and the advent of COVID-19 has meant that many people have not signed a form with a pen and paper for over a year. The move from traditional ‘wet signatures’ to eSignatures makes sense as we have moved to […]