8 Features of Microsoft 365 you might not know about

8 features of Microsoft 365 you might not know about Microsoft applications have been a mainstay of businesses for many years now. Due to the wide breadth of Microsoft’s product ecosystem, there are many features included in a Microsoft 365 subscription that go unused as users simply do not know that they exist. We have […]

4 Reasons why you should enable Multifactor Authentication on Microsoft 365

4 Reasons why you should enable Multifactor Authentication on Microsoft 365. 70% of individuals lack a high degree of confidence that their passwords can adequately protect their online accounts. This is not surprising as if a password is the only line of defence between a hacker and your account, it is not difficult to for […]

How the get the most out of Microsoft Apps

How the get the most out of Microsoft Apps With a return to the office in sight, it is clear that the future of the workplace for many businesses will be a hybrid working model. Moving to a hybrid workplace is the best of both worlds and has many benefits to productivity, employee wellbeing, and […]

Proving productivity whilst remote working with Microsoft productivity score

Proving productivity whilst remote working with Microsoft Productivity Score The majority of the nation has now been working from home for over a year. As employees were forced to adjust to the new normal, initially the balance of homeschooling, baking bread, and constant online meetings was hard to manage. It’s over a year later and […]