Why are Small Businesses Investing in Penetration Testing?

SMB Pen Testing

Add Your Heading Text Here According to PwC, cybercrime tops the list of the most pressing threats to businesses. Over the last two years, we’ve seen an exponential rise in the number of cybercriminals targeting businesses – and in the crosshairs of cybercriminals are small businesses.  Criminals target small-to-medium businesses (SMBs) as a combination of […]

What is Azure Active Directory? Complete Guide for SMBs

What is AAD

What is Azure Active Directory? Complete Guide for SMBs It is essential to ensure that your data and user accounts are secure by setting up access permissions and login security. However, identity verification can be challenging, especially in the cloud era.  That’s why Azure Active Directory is so popular with businesses of all sizes. This […]

How Businesses are going Passwordless

Going Passwordless

How businesses are making the move to a passwordless future It’s time to retire passwords. According to IBM, compromised credentials account for 20% of all security breaches, which has led to millions of dollars of net loss for corporations worldwide. There’s no doubt that the industry is signalling that now is the time to move […]

Why businesses should implement single sign-on (SSO)

Why businesses should implement single sign-on (SSO) Why businesses should implement single sign-on (SSO) Businesses typically have subscriptions to many different cloud services, including everything from Microsoft 365 products to workforce management software. With so many cloud services requiring unique login credentials, employees often reuse passwords between multiple applications. This poses a potential security risk […]